Al Jazeera Network ئاپەکان

الجزيرة مباشر مصر 1.0
Al Jazeera Network
من خلال تخصصها في الشأن المصري، انطلقت الجزيرة مباشر مصر في 22مارس/ًآذار عام 2011، لتقدم لمشاهديها مشهداً متكاملا لأهم الأخباروالبرامج والتحليلات المعمقة في مصر.غطت القناة أهم الأحداث مستعينة بالتطور التقني الذي مكّـن مناستخدام ما تبثه الكاميرات والهواتف الذكية. وبذلك مكنت جمهورها منالاطلاع على أهم الأخبار السياسية والمؤتمرات الصحافية والأحداثالتي من شأنها أن تؤثر على مصر ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقياوالعالم.تعتمد الجزيرة مباشر مصر على مجموعة متنوعة من البرامج المبتكرةالتي تنقل تفاعل المتلقي مع الأحداث، مستعينة بمواقع التواصلالاجتماعي والنتيجة هي تقديم أهم البرامج والأخبار المتميزة في قالبمحترف ومدروس يرضي تطلعات المشاهد المصريThroughspecialization in Egyptian affairs, kicked off the island directlyEgypt on March 22 / March 2011, to offer viewers an integratedsight of the most important news and in-depth analyzes and programsin Egypt.Channel covered the most important events with the help oftechnical development that has enabled the use of the broadcastcameras and smart phones. And thus enabled the audience to see themost important political news and press conferences and events thatwould affect Egypt and the Middle East, North Africa and theworld.Jazeera Live Egypt depends on a variety of innovative programsthat transfer interaction receiver with events, with the help ofsocial networking sites, and the result is most important toprovide programs and news in the form of outstanding professionaland thoughtful satisfy the aspirations of the Egyptian audience
الجزيرة للأجهزة اللوحية 1.0.0
Al Jazeera Network
غيرت قناة الجزيرة الفضائية – أولى قنوات شبكة الجزيرة – بصورة جذريةطريقة التغطية الصحافية لقضايا العالم العربي. وحظيت القناة تدريجيابتفضيل المشاهد العربي باعتبارها المصدر الأول للتغطيات الإخباريةالمستقلة. وخلال خمسة عشر عاما منذ بدايتها، قدمت الجزيرة صحافةميدانية غير مسبوقة من شتى أرجاء العالم، من الحرب في أفغانستان في2002، إلى العراق 2004، فالحرب في غزة 2008، ثم الثورتين في تونس ومصرأواخر العام 2010 وأوائل الذي يليه، وغيرها الكثير.ولقناة الجزيرة شبكة من المكاتب في عواصم ومدن حول العالم، بمايمكنها توفير تغطيات صحافية ميدانية وآنية بمهنيّة وأمانة وعمقلمشاهديها في العالم العربي وحول العالم.لمزيد من المعلومات يُرجى زيارة موقعنا على الإنترنتwww.aljazeera.netميزات هذا الإصدار:- أخر الأخبار والمقالات من أهم أقسام الموقع- البث المباشر لقناة الجزيرة- إرسال الصور والفيديو للجزيرة- إمكانية حفظ الأخبار للقراءة لاحقاً- تنزيل جميع الأخبار للقراءة لاحقاً دون الحاجة للإتصالبالإنترنت- المشاركة عبر الشبكات الإجتماعية والبريد الإلكتروني- إمكانية استخدام التطبيق في الوضعين الأفقي والعمودي ( Portrait& Landscape)Al Jazeerachanged - the first channel Al-Jazeera network - radically the wayjournalistic coverage of the issues of the Arab world. The channelreceived gradually favoring the Arab viewers as the first source ofindependent news coverage. During the fifteen years since itsinception, has provided the island journalism field isunprecedented around the world, from the war in Afghanistan in2002, to Iraq 2004, the war in Gaza 2008, then revolutions inTunisia and Egypt late 2010 and early the next, and many others.Al-Jazeera network of offices in the capitals and cities aroundthe world, so that they can provide coverage field and timelyjournalist professionalism, honesty and depth of its viewers in theArab world and around the world.For more information, please visit our website atwww.aljazeera.netThis version features:- Latest news and articles of the most important sections of thesite- The live broadcast of Al Jazeera- Send photos and videos of the island- The ability to save the news for later reading- Download all the news for later reading without the need toconnect to the Internet- Participation through social networks and e-mail
Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera Network
Al Jazeera for Android brings you all thelatest news and live broadcast of Al Jazeera English, free ofcharge.The 24-hour news and current affairs channel is the firstinternational English-language news channel to broadcast across theglobe from the Middle East.Al Jazeera's global footprint continues to grow and now broadcaststo more than 220 million households on six continents in more than100 countries.What's New- Share stories on Facebook, Twitter, and email- Add and remove social accounts and update weather locationthrough settings- Upload photos and videos directly to Al Jazeera through the newYour Media section- Listen to live audio broadcast- View weather forecasts by location- Easily delete articles from the My News section- Save stories to My News for easy access- View comments that have been added to stories by websiteviewersFeatures of this app:- All the latest news, features, spotlight, opinion and blogs fromAl Jazeera English- Programmes videos and information for the latest shows- News video clips- 24 hour free access to the live broadcast- Breaking news alerts- In Pictures gallery- Send your media to Al Jazeera- Search articles- Preload articlesNote: This app features content from Al Jazeera English.
الجزيرة مباشر 1.0
Al Jazeera Network
تسعى الجزيرة مباشر إلى نقل الأحداث لحظة حدوثها. وبعد إطلاقها في15 أبريل/ نيسان 2005، أصبحت الجزيرة مباشر القناة الأولى في الشرقالأوسط التي تبث الأحداث مباشرة على مدار الساعة.تسعى القناة لإعطاء المشاهدين صوراً حية للأحداث العالميةوالإقليمية، وتبث مباشرة الندوات السياسية، والمؤتمرات الصحفية،والمناقشات، والاجتماعات التي تتناول المواضيع السياسية والاجتماعيةوالثقافية والاقتصادية.باختصار .. إن أردت متابعة الأحداث كما هي دون انقطاع أو رقابةشاهد قناة الجزيرة مباشر.Al Jazeeraseeks to directly transfer events the moment they occur. After itslaunch on April 15 / April 2005, the island became the first directchannel in the Middle East, which broadcasts events directly on theclock.Channel seeks to give viewers live footage of the events of theglobal, regional, and broadcast directly political seminars, pressconferences, discussions, and meetings dealing with topics ofpolitical, social, cultural and economic.In short .. if you want to follow events as they are, withoutinterruption or controlled directly See Al-Jazeera.
Al Jazeera English Magazine 3.0.3
Al Jazeera Network
The Al Jazeera English digital monthlymagazine showcases the very best of Al Jazeera’s journalism fromacross the globe.It features compelling documentaries that bring human storiesinto focus and highlight the use and abuse of power, hard-hittingdebate and interview shows that dissect the most pressing issues ofthe day and ask challenging questions of those in positions ofinfluence, in-depth feature articles and expert analysis andopinion, as well as on-the-ground perspectives and insights fromour team of correspondents across the world – all illustrated withpowerful photography and interactive graphics that bring the storyto life at the fingertips of the user.The magazine will introduce the reader to the full depth andbreadth of Al Jazeera’s coverage – enabling them to discover,explore and consume it in the way that best suits them.Al Jazeera English’s in-depth approach to journalism has won itnumerous awards and plaudits over the years. It is the current RTSNews Channel of the Year and Freesat Best News Channel. In the lastyear, Al Jazeera English has also picked up the Columbia Journalismaward, a DuPont award and a George Polk award.
مجلة الجزيرة 3.1.3
Al Jazeera Network
مجلة الجزيرة نت على أندرويد، طبق دسم من الموادالمنشورة على موقعنا الإلكتروني، نختارها بعناية وحرص كبيرين ونسعى منخلالها لنوصل إليك الجزيرة نت حيثما كنت وعبر أي نافذة تتيحهاالتكنولوجيا.مقالات رأي وتحليلات وحوارات وأخبار منوعة، إضافة إلى مقاطع فيديومختارة من التقارير التي يعدها مراسلو قناة الجزيرة الفضائية عبرالعالم.كل ذلك كي تبقى قريباً منا وقريبين منك......
Al Jazeera Turk 1.3
Al Jazeera Network
Al Jazeera Turk'un Android uygulamasıkullanıcı dostu arayüzüyle sizi en yeni haber ve gelişmelerekolayca ulaştırır.Al Jazeera Turk, haber ve belgesel kanallarıyla dünyanın öndegelen medya kurumları arasında yer alan Al Jazeera Network'ün birparçasıdır. Türkiye ve çevre coğrafyasındaki tüm siyasi ve güncelgelişmeleri takip edebileceğiniz Al Jazeera Turk, doğru ve tarafsızhabercilik ilkelerine bağlı yayıncılık yapar.Uygulamanın özellikleri:- Al Jazeera Turk'ün websitesinde öne çıkan ve uygulamaya özelolarak hazırlanmış haberlere erişim- Haberin detaylı perde arkasına erişim- İlgili haberler seçeneği- Haberlerin sosyal medyada kolayca paylaşımı- Seslendirilmiş haberleri dinleme imkanı- Yoldayken de kesintisiz haber dinleme deneyimiAl Jazeera Turk's Androidapplication with user-friendly interface, you can easily deliverthe latest news and developments.Al Jazeera Turk, with news and documentary channels among theworld's leading media agency is part of the Al Jazeera Network.Turkey and the surrounding region will be able to follow currentdevelopments in the entire political and Al Jazeera Turk, accurateand impartial reporting makes to the principles of publishing.The application's features:- Featured on Al Jazeera Turk's website and a specially craftedapplication access to news- News backstage access to the detailed- Related news option- Easy sharing of news on social media- Have voiced the possibility of listening to news- News uninterrupted listening experience on the go
Al Jazeera Balkans for Tablets 1.1.0
Al Jazeera Network
Al Jazeera Balkans, kao dio Al Jazeera MediaNetworka, emitira vijesti i aktuelna zbivanja za gledaoce nalokalnim jezicima u regiji, uključujući Bosnu i Hercegovinu, CrnuGoru, Hrvatsku, Kosovo, Makedoniju, Sloveniju i Srbiju.Nastavljajući tradiciju Al Jazeerinog nezavisnog novinarstva, AlJazeera Balkans je gledaocima ključni izvor međunarodnih iregionalnih vijesti. Al Jazeera Balkans također koristi postojećeresurse i materijale s Al Jazeerinih kanala na arapskom i engleskomjeziku. Sa svojih 65 međunarodnih ureda, Al Jazeera je jedan odnajvećih izvora informacija u svijetu.Primjedbe na naše sadržaje ili izvještavanje možete poslati na:primjedbe@aljazeera.netŠaljite nam vijesti, video snimke i fotografije na: svjedok@aljazeera.netVaša saopćenja za medije i najave događaja šaljite na: info.ajb@aljazeera.netKontakt za medije: press.ajb@aljazeera.netO ALJAZEERIAl Jazeera je pokrenuta prije više od 15 godina, 1. novembra 1996.godine, kao prvi nezavisni arapski news kanal u svijetu, posvećendetaljnim televizijskim vijestima i debatama uživo u arapskomsvijetu. Al Jazeera je zvanično nazvana Al Jazeera Network u martu2006. godine, pretvarajući svoj rad u međunarodnu medijskukorporaciju.Karakteristike ove verzije:- Sve aktuelne vijesti, prilozi, specijalni prilozi, mišljenja iblogovi sa web stranice Al Jazeera Balkans- Besplatan pristup emitiranju uživo 24 sata dnevno- Učitaj članke- Dijelite priče na Facebooku, Twitteru i emailu- Slušajte audio prenos uživo- Spasite priče u sekciji Moje vijesti zbog lakšeg pristupaAl Jazeera Balkans, aspart of Al Jazeera Media Network, broadcasting news and currentaffairs to viewers in local languages ​​in the region, includingBosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia,Slovenia and Serbia. Continuing the tradition of Al Jazeerinogindependent journalism, Al Jazeera Balkans is a key source ofinternational viewers and regional news. Al Jazeera Balkans alsouses existing resources and materials with Al Jazeerinih channelsin Arabic and English. With its 65 international offices, AlJazeera is one of the largest sources of information in theworld. Comments on our content or report can be sent to: primjedbe@aljazeera.netSend us news, videos and photos to: svjedok@aljazeera.netYour press releases and event notices send to: info.ajb @aljazeera.netMedia Contact: press.ajb @ About Aljazeera Al Jazeera has launched more than 15 years, first 1996. as thefirst independent Arabic news channel in the world dedicated to thedetailed television news and live debate for the Arab world. AlJazeera was formally named the Al Jazeera Network in March 2006.year, transforming their work into an international mediacorporation.Features of this version:- All current news, reports, special articles, reviews, and blogsfrom the website Al Jazeera Balkans- Free access to broadcast live 24 hours a day- Load articles- Share stories on Facebook, Twitter and email- Listen to LIVE audio- Save stories in my news section for easy access
مركز الجزيرة للدراسات 1.0
Al Jazeera Network
Established in 2006, the Al Jazeera Center forStudies conducts in-depth analysis of current affairs at bothregional and global levels. Its research agenda focuses primarilyon geo-politics and strategic developments in the Arab world andsurrounding regions.Based in the heart of the Middle East, and operating from withinthe socio-political and cultural fabric of the Arab world, AlJazeera Center for Studies seeks to contribute to knowledge sharingand present a better understanding of the complexity of the region.With an extensive network of distinguished researchers, and a widerange array of experts from across the globe, the center aims topromote dialogue and build bridges of mutual understanding andcooperation between cultures, civilizations, and religions.As a think-tank extension of the Al Jazeera Network, the centerendeavours to conduct research and build relevant, insightful, andin-depth knowledge for the entire organisation.For more information, please Top articles from the website- Easy access to Articles in both language Arabic and English- Access full PDFs of the articles- Visual articles navigation- References at the end of each article provides more depth- Twitter, Facebook and Email integration allows you to easilyshare articles with your friends
Al Jazeera Balkans Magazine
Al Jazeera Network
Digitalni mjesečni magazin Al Jazeere Balkansdonosi najbolje izvještaje Al Jazeere kako iz regije tako i izcijelog svijeta.U magazinu je moguće pogledati dokumentarne filmove u kojima suispričane priče običnih ljudi, kao i priče o zloupotrebiovlasti.Tu su i intervjui s poznatim ličnostima, ekspertne analize, kaoi izvještaji naših dopisnika iz regije i svijeta.Naše izvještaje dopunjavaju fotogalerije, videosnimci iinteraktivne grafike.Magazin upoznaje čitaoce sa raznovrsnim izvještajima Al Jazeerei omogućava im da njegov sadržaj istraže i koriste na način kojinjima najbolje odgovara.
Al Jazeera Turk Dergi
Al Jazeera Network
Al Jazeera Türk digital aylık Dergi tümdünyadaki Al Jazeera gazeteciliğinin en iyilerini sunmaktadır.Hikayeyi okuyucunun parmakuçarında, tamamı güçlü fotoğraflar veinteraktif grafiklerle hayata geçiren dergi, insan hikayelerineodaklanan ve gücün kullanımı ve suistimalini öne çıkaran zorlubelgeseller, gündemdeki konularla ilgili ve nüfuzlu kişilerezorlayıcı sorular soran tartışmalar ve röportajlar, uzmanlarıngözetiminde ve saha elemanlarımızdan gelen bigilerle olaylarıderinlemesine analiz eden makaleler sunmaktadır.Dergi okuyucuyu Al Jazeera'nin derinlemesine ve genişlemesinegazeteciliğiyle kendilerine en uygun şekilde keşfederek,inceleyerek tüketmesine imkan vererek buluşturacaktır.Al Jazeera'nin konuları derinlemesine ele alan gazeteciliğibirçok ödülü beraberinde getirmiştir. Şu anda Yılın RTS HaberKanalı ve En İyi Freesat Haber Kanalı ünvanlarını elindebulundurmaktadır. Geçtiğimiz yıl, Al Jazeera İngilizce DergiKolombiya Gazetecilik ödülünin yanısıra bir adet DuPont ödülü veGeorge Polk Ödülü kazanmıştır.Al Jazeera Al JazeeraTurk digital monthly magazine journalism worldwide best offers.Story reader parmakuçar, in all powerful photos and interactivegraphics fomented magazines, human stories that focus on the powerof the use and abuse of highlighting challenging documentaries,current issues and influential persons challenging questions,asking the discussions and interviews of experts, under thesupervision and field staff from our information it events within-depth analysis The article offers.Al Jazeera's Magazine readers with deeper and broaderjournalistic exploring in the most appropriate way, allowing it toconsume examining will bring.Al Jazeera's addressing topics in depth journalism has broughtmany awards. Currently RTS News Channel of the Year, and BestFreesat News Channel holds the titles. The past year, Al JazeeraEnglish, as well as one of the magazine Columbia Journalism Awardand George Polk Award was DuPont award.
AJ+ 1.4.4
Al Jazeera Network
The AJ+ app brings a new dimension to mobilestorytelling through a collection of fresh and engagingcontent.Our content is broken down and presented in cards -:- Video cards feature compelling and informative videocontent- Conversation cards feature a broad question and communityconversations- Art cards feature infographic style news content- Debate cards feature a question and community responses- Quiz cards feature an interactive Q/A experience over a newstopic- Related cards feature content relevant to the currently selectedstack.Cards are organized in a collection we like to call stacks. Makingit easy for you to dive deeper on topics that matter to you. AJ+stories are narrated via stacks and stacks never really disappear,they simply get refreshed as the stories rise to relevance.
AJ+ TV 1.1.0
Al Jazeera Network
AJ+ is a global news community for theconnected generation. We highlight human struggles andachievements, empower impassioned voices, and challenge the statusquo. We bring you the stories that are shaping our world. Do youever laugh, cry, get angry or inspired? You’ll fit right in.
AJ Forum 1.6
Al Jazeera Network
The 13th Al Jazeera Forum brings together decision makers,thoughtleaders and journalists to discuss global affairs.Everything youneed to follow this year’s Al Jazeera Forum, theannual conferencethat brings decision makers, thought leaders andjournaliststogether to discuss global affairs. This year’s Forumwill focus onthe Gulf region and will be held in Doha on 27-28April 2019.
الجزيرة مباشر 1.0.5
Al Jazeera Network
تطبيق الجزيرة مباشر يجعل العالم ملك عينيك. بث مباشر لأحداث مختلفةفي وقت واحد. وتفاعل معنا عبر منصاتنا المختلفة. علق بالصوت والصورة،أو بالنص المكتوب. أرسل تفاعلك عبر موقعنا، وصفحاتنا على فيسبوكوتويتر وقنواتنا على يوتيوب وانستغرام. نستقبل إسهاماتكم عبر واتس آبوتليغرام وراسلونا بأهم المقاطع عبر الخط الساخن 0097450978083 مميزاتالتطبيق شاهد البث الحي للجزيرة مباشر من أي مكان في العالم.
الجزيرة 4.11
Al Jazeera Network
غيرت قناة الجزيرة الفضائية – أولى قنوات شبكة الجزيرة – بصورة جذريةطريقة التغطية الصحافية لقضايا العالم العربي. وحظيت القناة تدريجيابتفضيل المشاهد العربي باعتبارها المصدر الأول للتغطيات الإخباريةالمستقلة. وخلال خمسة عشر عاما منذ بدايتها، قدمت الجزيرة صحافةميدانية غير مسبوقة من شتى أرجاء العالم، من الحرب في أفغانستان في2002، إلى العراق 2004، فالحرب في غزة 2008، ثم الثورتين في تونس ومصرأواخر العام 2010 وأوائل الذي يليه، وغيرها الكثير. ولقناة الجزيرةشبكة من المكاتب في عواصم ومدن حول العالم، بما يمكنها توفير تغطياتصحافية ميدانية وآنية بمهنيّة وأمانة وعمق لمشاهديها في العالم العربيوحول العالم. لمزيد من المعلومات يُرجى زيارة موقعنا على الإنترنت ميزات هذا الإصدار: - أخر الأخبار والمقالات من أهمأقسام الموقع - البث المباشر لقناة الجزيرة - إرسال الصور والفيديوللجزيرة - إمكانية تخزين الأخبار للقراءة لاحقاً - إمكانية تخزين جميعالأخبار للقراءة لاحقاً دون الحاجة للإتصال بالإنترنت - ميزة المشاركةعبر الشبكات الإجتماعية والبريد الإلكتروني
Al Jazeera Balkans 3.4
Al Jazeera Network
Al Jazzera za Android besplatno donosi najbolje priče, prijenosuživo i personalizaciju sadržaja sa Al Jazeera Balkans. Pratitenaše izvještavanje iz cijelog svijeta o temama i programima kojiVas zanimaju i podijelite omiljene priče i video snimke napopularnim društvenim mrežama. Mogućnosti ove aplikacije: -Obavještenja o najnovijim vijestima i posebnim prijenosima -Pregledan početni ekran sa najboljim pričama i izvještavanjem našeglobalne mreže - Personalizirani Newsfeed za brzi pristup sačuvanimpričama i temama koje Vas zanimaju - 24-satni pristup našemprogramu uživo i pozadinskom audio prijenosu - Sve najnovijevijesti, članci, mišljenja i blogovi sa Al Jazeera English -Pretraživanje čitave arhive sadržaja - Dijeljenje priča naFacebook-u, Twitter-u, Whatsapp-u i drugim mrežama Šta je novo: -Potpuno redizajnirano iskustvo korištenja na mobitelu i tabletu -Vlastiti Newsfeed prostor za sačuvane priče i teme - Prijava prekoFacebook-a, Twitter-a i Google Plus-a - Početni ekran sa odabranimpričama - Detaljne priče sa slikama, citatima, temama i vezanimpričama - Obavještenja o najnovijim vijestima
AJ Studies 1.6
Al Jazeera Network
Al Jazeera Centre for Studies
Al Jazeera: News & Live TV 4.6.0
Al Jazeera Network
Global News, One App
AJM Institute 1.1
Al Jazeera Network
AlJazeera Media Institute App is the link between the institute andthe trainees